قالت سيدة مصرية مقيمة في بريطانيا، إن ابنتها مريم مصطفى تعرضت لاعتداء من 10 فتيات سمراوات البشرة في لندن لأسباب عنصرية.
من جانبه قال أحمد حمزة، محامي مريم مصطفى، إن حالتها خطيرة وأنها تعاني من جلطتين وكسر في الجمجمة وتعاني من إصابات خطيرة وإن السلطات البريطانية متقاعسة أيضًا.
نص جريدة الإندبندنت :
Egyptian girl in hospital after ‘racist’ assault in UK

The mother of a young Egyptian girl studying engineering in the UK said in a video statement that her daughter Mariam Mostafa was subjected to cruel assault from ten British girls of African descent.
She added that reasons behind the assault are not clear, noting that the incident took place four months ago though that she suspects racism may be the motivation, noting that her daughter was assaulted in a crowded street in London.
She added: “My daughter managed to escape from the girls and tried to hide in one of the buses, but the girls continued beating her until she lost consciousness. The bus driver called the ambulance,” explaining that “the British police have not arrested the girls so far.”
She clarified that her daughter “is now detained in a hospital struggling to die, because of the ferocity of the attack.”
The mother’s video was broadcast through the privately-run TV channel of Dream on Wednesday night.
Recently, the Egyptian Embassy in Washington said that US authorities arrested three suspected perpetrators of the murder of Egyptian Andrew Samir who was shot to death on January 28 2017.
The embassy statement released at that time noted that the three suspects confessed that they carried out the murder, saying their purpose was to rob him. According to various media reports, Samir was found badly injured due to the shooting in front of his residence in the US state of Maryland on January 28 and died on the way to the hospital.
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