It has been proven that Iran is a great nation that has engraved its name on the throne as a nation that only kneels to God, and that Iran is true, in word and deed, against Israel and working to liberate Palestine and the oppressed people of Palestine, but unfortunately these are the Arabs. They conspired with Muawiyah against Imam Ali, who wanted to build… They had a state of human justice, until they killed him in the prayer niche, then they conspired with Yazid against Imam Hussein, who came out to defend them.
Yes, Iran. This is how the Arabs are. They conspired with the Abbasids against the Umayyads, then they conspired with the Ottomans against the Abbasids, then they conspired with the British against the Ottomans, then they conspired with the Americans against the British, then they conspired with the Israelis against the Americans, and today the Arabs and Israelis conspire to follow Imam Ali Ibn Abi Talib. If history repeats itself.
But the most dangerous thing that happened yesterday is that it became clear that the real danger to Israel is not Iran, nor even the Republic of Yemen, or the Iraqi resistance, but rather Hezbollah.
It also became clear that the launch of ten thousand missiles launched from Iran, Yemen and Iraq is not equivalent to the Hezbollah missiles that may be launched from southern Lebanon. Therefore, the Shiites of Lebanon today are faced with a very dangerous reality and equation.
Therefore, I am very saddened by the degree of decadence and submissiveness to which the majority of Arab countries and their people have reached, who have turned out to be no less subservient and subservient to Israel than any Israeli settler who holds Israeli citizenship.
I am not against any Arab leader who wants to accept Netanyahu’s shoes. In fact, the majority of world leaders accept him, but the difference is that Netanyahu cannot kill directly in those countries, even though Netanyahu is able to remove any Western figure from the face of the globe in the West, but he uses the laws. Such as anti-Semitism law.
But in the Arab world, Netanyahu commits massacres, kills children, and destroys mosques, churches, and hospitals. I mean, Arab leader, when you kneel down and lie on your stomach as you crawl to kiss Netanyahu’s shoes, at least think in your mind to beg him to stop killing children. In other words, look for anything moral that justifies your action.
Excuse me for this introduction, but I do not know how to describe the fact that some Arab countries are shooting down missiles and marches that are likely to make a difference that will benefit Arabs and Muslims.
It has become clear that these Arab peoples and these Arab leaders who refused to open the crossings or even hold a demonstration to stop the killing in Palestine are not only neutral, but they even refuse for Iran to intervene to stop Netanyahu from killing children and women in Gaza.
Which effectively means that the majority of these governments and these people are in the Greater State of Israel. Yes, when the Republic of Yemen closes the sea to Israeli goods and Arab countries come and donate the price of food and send it to Israel, this means that these countries are affiliated with the government of Israel.
When these countries harness their armies to defend Israel, even with blood, that means these countries and armies are obeying the orders of the Israeli military leadership.
When Israeli settlers in the Israeli entity demonstrate in rejection of Netanyahu’s policy, while Netanyahu prevents Arabs from demonstrating in objection to the permissibility of their blood, this means that Israel is the one that directly controls Arab public opinion.
In the face of this bitter and painful reality, the Jewish mind succeeded in transforming every meter of Arab land into a platform for defending Israel. The Jewish mind also succeeded in transforming the Arabs into platforms through social media, the media, and on the pulpits of mosques. Their job is to defend Israel, which means that Israel succeeded in occupying the Arab world from the Euphrates. To Neil.
In the face of this new reality at the political and military level, it appears that the only group that is against Israel are the Shiites only. Yes, they are only the Shiites against Israel, and with them are some revolutionaries from different countries, but the abstract truth is that all these revolutionaries do not change the real equation.
And when we say that there are only a million Shiite people in the Arab world who are against Israel, which extends over the area of the Arab world, we mean that all those Arab leaders and peoples who prevented the Iranian missiles and marches from reaching their hostile military goals in Palestine are against the Shiites, just as they are against them today. Part of the Palestinian people who are resisting in Gaza in defense of their land and Islamic sanctities.
So today the Shiites in Lebanon are in danger, a real danger, an existential danger. The Arab and Western countries that are working to kill 2 million Sunni Muslim Arabs and expel them from Gaza in the service of Israel will not delay working to kill a million Shiites and expel them from Lebanon, or at least destroy the south and the suburbs and bomb the Bekaa Valley.
Because these Arab rulers and Arab peoples have become more disturbed than the Israelis, by the Shiite position against Israel, and by the Shiite fight against Israel, and they even feel that the Shiite position reveals their nakedness and their subservience to Israel.
In the face of this change revealed by ballistic missiles and Iranian marches, the Shiites of Lebanon today need a new political strategy that is completely different from what came before it.
In short, the leaders of the Shiite community need to call on the Shiite elites to produce a political working paper that is no less important than what the resistance has undertaken for half a century.
Just as the resistance put all its capabilities at the service of the military arsenal, today it is also important to pay attention to politics, the media, and political realism.
Today we are in a new Middle East..